Hello, I'm

Hi, My name is Pam Sheehan, and I am excited to share my story with you today. It's about how a small decision---one I made over 25 years ago---completely changed my life and my families lives for the better.

Back then, I was deeply involved in my life as a wife, mom and partner in my husbands chiropractic business. Like many of you, I wore many hats--- raising our children, managing a household and supporting our business. While I loved my life, I also recognized the need for a plan B-- a way to contribute to our family's future.and still have time for the people I loved most.

When I was introduced to Shaklee, I didn't expect much. To be honest, I only placed an order thinking "If it doesn't work, I can get my money back" But then something unexpected happened. It did work!

I remember listening to a tape called "Protect Your Children" It explained how many chemicals our bodies are exposed to, starting with something so simple as the detergent we use to wash our clothes and clean our houses. It opened my eyes. It made me realize that these exposures might be contributing to there growing health problems we see in both children and adults.

That's when I decided to give Shaklee a try. What caught my attention was how effective the products worked. As a busy Mom of kids in soccer, baseball and football, I got asked all the time how I managed to get their uniforms so clean. My answer? Shaklee.

Word started to spread. I shared something I loved and other Moms loved it too. Then something amazing happened. I started to receive checks in the mail. That's when I realized Shaklee wasn't just about healthier choices for my family, it was also an opportunity. I was earning an income while still being present for my family, managing our business, and driving my kids to all their activities.

Fast forward to today, and I can say that Shaklee has been so much more than I ever expected.It's a business that has paid for my kids first 4 years of college, supported our family's goals, and allowed us to save for retirement--- all  while helping protect the the planet for future generations.

What makes this journey so special is the sense of purpose I've found. I get to work with incredible people who also want more for their lives. together, we're building healthier lives, stronger communities, and a better future. And we are having so much fun doing it. 

We're also looking to connect and work with like-minded people.
So, whether you're here today looking for healthier products, a side income, or even a new path in life, I want you to know that Shaklee can be whatever you need it to be. For me, it has been a blessin ---a business that aligns with my values, supports my family, and empowers me to help others.

Thank you for letting me share my story and visiting my site. . I hope it inspires you to thinks about what's possible when you take a chance and say yes to something new. Let me know how I can help you!

Pam Sheehan

PS: I am a  real and a fairly 'normal' person...so feel free to stop by and friend me on Facebook, and you can also connect with me on my Fan page

Pam Sheehan